- Registered Canadian Patent Agent
- Registered Canadian Trademark Agent
- Barrister & Solicitor, Ontario
- Lawyer, New York State
- Registered Patent Agent in the United States (for Canadian applicants)
- Registered Chinese Patent Agent (formerly)
Lei Gao
Lawyer, Patent Agent, Trademark Agent, JD, PhD
Founder & Principal
Lei practices in all areas of intellectual property law, with the emphasis on patent, industrial design, and trademark application and prosecution.
Before Starting his own practice, Lei worked at the oldest and one of the top Intellectual Property boutique law firms in Canada (Ridout & Maybee LLP) and the IP department of one of the largest law firms in the world (Baker McKenzie).
Patent and Industrial Design
Lei is a registered patent and trademark agent in Canada, a registered patent agent in the United States (for Canadian applicants), a registered attorney in New York, and a Barrister & Solicitor admitted in Ontario. He works with Canadian clients every step of the way, from initial consultation, to preparing and filing patent applications, to prosecuting the patent applications until the patent application is either allowed or rejected. He also arranges and supervises the filing and prosecution of patent applications around the world, for example, in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Australia.Lei has helped clients obtain patents in a broad range of technology fields, including mechanical, electrical, electronics, computer software, oil and gas, biofuel, green technology, chemical, biotechnological, and agricultural fields. In addition to patent drafting and prosecution, he provides patentability opinions, freedom to practice opinions, infringement opinions, and validity opinions. He also conducts IP due diligence for commercial transactions.Lei also helped clients obtain industrial design rights in Canada, design patents in the United States, and corresponding rights in other jurisdictions.
As a registered Canadian trademark agent and a lawyer admitted to practice in the state of New York, Lei is able to to represent Canadian applicants directly in front of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Lei has also helped clients obtain trademark rights around the world.
Lei is formerly a Canadian trademark examiner.
Lei helps clients prepare and file Canadian copyright registration applications. He also advises on other issues related to copyright.
Lei has published articles about various areas of the intellectual property law, for example, in the Canadian Lawyer InHouse Magazine.
Contribution to Canadian IP community
Lei has served as an Executive Member of the Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law section of the Ontario Bar Association for several years. He is also an associate of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada.