Order fixed fee Canadian trademark application We provide this service through Gao IP Agnecy Ltd. as a trademark agent. The flat fee service includes: 1) Consultation time of up to thirty (30) minutes; 2) Preparing and filing the your Canadian trademark application having ONE class of goods or services; 3) The government fee for a trademark application having ONE class of goods or services. Upon providing the information below and signing the engagement letter, we will provide you with a link to make the payment. Once we receive the payment, we will review the information you provided and contact you discuss the filing strategy.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Enter the exact words or a combination of alphanumerical characters you want to register as a trademark *Does your trademark include a design element, for example, a logo, or stylized letters? If yes, we will ask you to send us your trademark by email later. *YesNoPlease describe the goods or services you provide in association with your trademark. *This list should include the goods and/or services you provide or intend to provide in association with your trademark. If you are unclear what goods and services, you may consult the Goods and Services Manual at https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/canadian-intellectual-property-office/en/trademarks/goods-and-services-manual.Who is the owner of the trademark? This can be an individual or a company. *Name of the contact person *FirstLastAddress for the trademark owner (Please enter your full address, including postal code). *Phone numberEmail *Number of classes *One class – $1,000.00Two classes – $1,339.00Three classes – $1,678.00Four classes – $2,017.00Each class after the fist class costs CAD339. If you have any questions, please let us knowSubmit