Patent Enforcement

After your patent is granted, we can help you enforce your patent rights.

On the other hand, we can also help you respond if a third party alleges that you infringe its patent rights.

The common means to protect your patent rights include the following:

Monitoring and Detection:

We can help you monitor the market to detect any unauthorized use or infringement of your patented invention.

Cease and Desist Letter

If you believe that a product infringes your patent, we can help you evaluate the product against your patent. Then, if we believe that the product likely infringes your patent, we can help you draft a cease and desist letter to the manufacturer and/or seller of the product. We will send the letter upon your approval to put the other party on notice that they may be infringing your patent and to stop the infringing activities.

Take-down notice

A big portion of infringement activities happen in online marketplaces, for example, Amazon and Ebay. Many online marketplaces have patent enforcement procedures for patent owners to report infringing products. However, these procedures may take a long time because of the volume of complaints the online marketplaces receive. We help you navigate the process to avoid common issues that may cause delays, resulting in lost sales to infringing parties.

Cross-licensing and settlement negotiation

In some cases, patent disputes are resolved through cross-licensing agreements, where both parties agree to license each other’s patents.

In some cases, settlement agreements be reached that involve the payment of royalties or other terms to resolve the dispute outside of court.